Thursday, November 21, 2019

Disney Part 2: The Most Magical Place on Earth

Known around the globe, "The Most Magical place on Earth" lives up to its name. A staple of Disney's universe, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida has become one of the most popular tourist destinations both domestically and internationally. Upwards of 60 million people visit and stay at the Disney World Resort annually making it the most visited resort in the world.

Walt Disney World comprised of 4 theme-parks, 2 waterparks, and 2 eating/shopping destinations. Has revolutionized the vacation experience. Whether it's seeing Mickey Ear's throughout airports or the smiling faces throughout the parks. Disney has created a world and class of its own. 
Map of Walt Disney World Resort

Famously known are the four major theme parks exclusive to Orlando. The Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios bring together all the worlds, and characters Disney has created over the past 90 years. 
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The lesser known attractions on the 39 square mile, 25,000-acre property are; the water parks, Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon, as well as the newly renovated boardwalk and Disney Springs areas. With 25 resort hotels that reside on property Walt Disney World Resort has blossomed into its own world. Running this world in the most precise fashion is a cast and crew of over 58,000 that work on and around the property daily. 

The resorts infrastructure is a secret known to only said cast and crew. Walt Disney was adamant that the workings and behind the scenes actions of his creation would not be known to the outside world as it would take away from the experience and magic of the stay. 

The thought and emphasis put into the famous mantra "The Most Magical Place on Earth" is what makes Disney so different. The idea was simple, create a new world. Where kids could dream, and adults didn't have to grow up. The implementation is what made it magical. 

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Falling in Love

Image result for oswald the lucky rabbit"
I fell in love at an early age. I was about 4 when I was first introduced to them. Growing up they weren't far away. I was surrounded by things they made. I traveled the 1 hour and 17 minute drive to see them almost every weekend. I grew up with them. For the rest of my life they will have a special place in my heart. They helped shape me into the fun loving, still a kid at heart person I am. They are Disney.

The Walt Disney Company founded by Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney took life in 1920 when a then young Walt Disney began his career as a writer and illustrator. It wasn't until 1927 when Oswald the Lucky Rabbit started what would become the most revolutionizing enterprise the world has seen today.

When Walt's bosses took the rights of Oswald from Disney he modified Oswalds appearance and Mickey Mouse was born! Mickey featured in two short silent films before Steamboat Willie premiered which was the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon. Throughout the 1930's Walt Disney Productions dominated the animation market with additions to Mickey's crew including Donald Duck, Pluto, and Goofy.
Image result for Mickey donald and goofy"
Disney was a success but it wasn't until Walt Disney took the biggest risk to date of the company's short history. That the step to becoming the empire it is today came to fruition. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. With the creation of Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, Sneezy, and of course Snow White The Walt Disney Company revolutionized animation. From the 1940's to 1955 Disney created classic after classic including: Pinocchio (1940), Dumbo and Bambi 1941, and 42, and Cinderella and Peter Pan in the early 50's.

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Disney then took things to a whole new level. Flexing his muscles in 1955 Walt Disney and his company opened Disneyland in Anaheim, California. About the same time the company came out with Buena Vista Productions creating total control over his films their production and marketing. Walt Disney and his company continued its ascent throughout the 1950's and 60's growing with Television shows, as well as continued dominance with animated movies.
Image result for 101 dalmatians disney" .                                           Image result for winnie the pooh"
Even with all his success Walt along with his company were never financially secure even at his death in 1966. He had however put the steps in place beginning in the early 1960s to create the giant that Disney is today. In 1965 under a multitude of names and companies Disney had acquired over 27,000 acres of barren swamp-land in central Florida. His most ambitious and creative idea to date, The Walt Disney World Resort.

To date Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL attracts over 52 million visitors a year from across the globe. Disney has expanded opening up Disney Worlds in Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Disney on the Film and Television side of things has acquired, ABC, Pixar, and Marvel acquisitions that cost the Company $7.4 and $4 billion dollars respectfully. Disney went on to acquire Lucasfilm from filmmaker George Lucas securing the Starwars series a Disney film. Most recently in a deal finalized this year The Walt Disney Company bought 21st and 20th Century Fox in a deal valued at over $70 billion

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Today the place, characters, and people I fell in love with over 15 years ago is valued at over 130 billion dollars.
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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Media Power

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcolm X might have said it best during the civil rights movement. 50 years ago he predicted power that continues to grow exponentially. In 2019 the power of media and now social media speaks and controls a population motivated by instant gratification.

Instant gratification is the idea the human nature desires instant experience and pleasure or emotion. In short when you want something you want it now. With the 5 to 7-inch black boxes carried in every persons pocket or purse instant gratification is at an all-time high, because it is attainable. At every moment of the day news and communication are available.

Line graph. Percentage of Americans who have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of trust in the mass media since 1997.

In a country built on freedom including speech and press. When that is taken away or the credibility of that freedom is compromised what do we have left? In a survey taken in September of 2019 mass media trust comes in at 41%. In a statement of the hypocrisy in the united states that number actually drops to 30% when you are talking about social media, but 68% of Americans say they still get their news from social media.
Social media sites as pathways to news

Media has been around since the beginning of civilization and it is not going anywhere, and as time progresses its power will continue to grow. The question remains, "with great power comes great responsibility" which will media become. Trust is a hard thing to gain while an easy thing to lose. Once lost it becomes near impossible to regain in the same capacity. In the United States the press and major news outlets have reached a pressing time (no pun intended). As power has been pushed through social media to the forefront of everyone's fingertips. How media will work to regain its status and dependability will determine which impact it will have. Media will remain the most powerful entity on earth, will its power be for good or for evil?