Friday, March 20, 2020

How you beat it!

Image result for stuart scott speech

Stuart Scott changed the world of sports broadcasting forever. He was taken from us far too soon. He still impacts people to this day, myself included.

I have taken this quote from his famous 2014 ESPY speech and for the longest time tried to apply it to every aspect of my life. It feels more applicable than ever today, it has for about the past week. I think I have been trying to deny the idea that my sophomore year in this little village that has become home, is coming to a close.

Surrounded by corn, and people who have, and continue too, change my life. I have entered my final 36 hours here. A year and semester that started with so much promise, comes to a close two months too early.

But I refuse to let it cripple me, I believe that more than ever what Mr. Scott spoke 6 years ago reigns true.

You beat the things that bring you down in life, the things that threaten you, by not allowing them to destroy you! You live your life, you continue your passions, you grow, you continue to live life!

I am the last student remaining on Ohio Northern University campus, At least that is what it feels like, and that is what I am going to tell myself. I have continued my days, I "go to class" online of course, I workout, I eat, I sleep, I play video games, I talk and hangout with friends. I refuse to let anything take away this life I have been given. To bring back a slogan that maybe more people need to apply to their lives, YOLO!

I have enjoyed these past couple days, walks through Ada, time with special people. I have taken this social distancing and isolation and in my own words, "Kicked COVID-19's ASS.

Do I have COVID-19? No, I don't think so but, considering what is continues to do to the world, I think everyone has it to some extent. However my Gen Z form of rebellion is not letting it effect me, or minimizing it to the best of my abilities.

Go live you life! Stay safe! Be smart!

But in your own way go kick COVID-19's ass!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right. We all have it in some form or fashion. It's what we do with it that matters.
