A college campus during dead week or finals week is not the place to boost your morale. In between mental breakdowns, procrastination, studying, power naps, and exams college students are not in the best state.
Spoiler: I have never, nor will I ever stress about school.
I was recently with a friend who brought up a valid point while doing a last minute homework assignment, she spoke of a tweet she saw (social media strikes again) "why do we pay thousands of dollars to pay someone to teach us things that ultimately we are just going to go back to our dorm room and google to make more sense of!"
Growing up the son of a teacher/administrator I have always had the inside scoop on the education system at least I thought I did throughout elementary school. Fun fact, it's broken. All the way to the top.
We grow up in a society in which my dad, a Pre-K through 5th grade administrator, has to talk to 3rd grade parents that want to know how their child will be prepared for college!
Why do six letters determine how successful a young powerful mind is going to be. Countless studies show that an overbearing amount of stress can negatively affect grades more than the rigors of an actual curriculum. I can confirm after 10 interviews in my life, NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS ASKED FOR MY GPA AT ANY LEVEL!
![Image result for broken education system](https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.mp-cdn.net/e1/e3/a1aeb046cca06f6499bbdfe27cc8-is-the-educational-system-broken.jpg)
Why do middle school and at certain high schools' kids come home with more busy work than the amount of work that they have done at school the same day? Students need to be challenged they need to learn. Yes, but about what? In all honesty through high school my best learning experiences were opportunities I made myself. Meeting with students from a school from across the country, Setting up and end of the year internship with a small business.
Why do college students feel that their GPA is going to make or break their success in their lives ahead? How is a test or exam on a topic that they likely will not use in their real-world job our benchmark as to how successful someone can be?
![Image result for broken education system](https://propelsteps.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/education-system-in-out-cartoon.jpg)
The world is changing, but is our education system changing with it? To quote in my eyes a very revolutionary thinker in the world of education, "the world that students are going to go into by the time they graduate is going to be very different than the world today, so why wouldn't we teach them skills that can transcend time."
Your title should certainly grab people's attention. How do we truly define academics? Should it be the same for all? Both your posted illustrations are on the $$$$.