Thursday, August 20, 2020

Remembering Coach Jones

This started out as a letter to the 2017-2018 Cranbrook football team. Then I expanded it to the current players of the Cranbrook football team. Now I have decided I want it to be there for anyone who loses or has lost a coach. As for the first time in my life, I have lost a coach that changed my life and helped shape me into the athlete, teammate, and leader I am today.

As I barrel-rolled across the field today, for the first time in my 8 year football career I smiled during what is normally one of the worst things a player can have to do after a workout. Because I knew Coach Ben Jones was looking over me, probably laughing at me but watching over me. 


Coach Jones and I had a special relationship, one that not many people knew about. My junior year he was one of the first people to believe in me before I even believed in myself. I was a junior quarterback stepping in for the first time for an injured senior. He pulled me to the side put his arm around me (which was a little out of character for the Coach Jones I knew up to that point and said, "this team believes in you and so do I" I think a little smile even snuck out. 

From that point on I knew the real Coach Jones. Including the days when he would ask me how the team was doing, what the energy level was. He was a man who always had my back not just because he was coaching the guys who kept me off my ass. But because he believed in me through my entire CK career and to this day. 

The final story I will tell is one no one really knows because I was sworn to secrecy. My senior year, I did not really have a position coach, and as custom in football, stickers are presented to players after big games, wins, accomplishments of all kinds. Well, they come from position coaches and I didn't have one so about week three of the season coach came up to me and said "where are your stickers?" I didn't have any at the time he showed up 5 minutes later with a whole sheet, "You have earned all of these and more keep leading kid" That was the coach he was. Behind the scenes doing everything he could for the players he cared so much about. There isn't another person, or coach in the world I would want to share my Birthday with.

The Letter:

To my brothers, each and every one of you, 

Whether I played with you or not, know that we are a family and always will be. I wish I could be there to give each of you a hug and make it feel better. But right now I can’t and in all honesty, it won’t feel better for a while and that is okay! I hope you all can find strength in each other and in all of us who knew Coach Jones, know that you are not alone. 

He cared about each of us so much and wanted to bring the best out of you not only on the field but in life. It did not matter if it was your first year playing for him or you were an all-state senior, he was going to hold you accountable and expect the best from you. He was a great man and pushed every-one of his players to reach their full potential.

The memories you have of him will carry on with you for the rest of your life, I know that because as I sit here and write this, my memories with him fill my mind. The barrel rolls across the field, the deep-raspy yells that could have been heard across the lower fields, the hugs after big wins, and losses, he was truly a players coach.

He was tough on the surface and at times a hardass, but he was real, and he loved each of his players. He was going to tell you what you needed to hear no matter the situation, but he also knew the right things to say. He could sense how his players were feeling and he knew what each one of us was capable of.

None of this makes losing such a great coach and even better man easier. In all honesty, this shit sucks. 

I challenge each of you to keep him in your hearts for the rest of your football careers and more importantly your lives. Take the lessons he taught you and apply them to every aspect of your life. We all carry a part of him with us, and we are a part of his legacy. 

If any of you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out, I have put my phone number at the bottom of this, and it is for all of you to have no matter what. 


Trevor McConnell

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