Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Living in an era of connectivity. Social media along with other electronic advancements have made it seem like the globe is shrinking. The ability to talk to a friend spending a semester in Europe at the touch of a button baffles me. Living in this age adds a lot to society and what has become the perceived norm.

Communication is at an all time high but it takes many forms. Snapchat allows you to see people minute by minute of their life. Facebook connects friends from years and years back allowing you to stay connected in people's lives no matter the distance or time. Twitter gives hot takes and news faster than ever before. All of these factors have changed communications and connectivity and public relations for the foreseeable future. Everything is faster.

The importance put on communication on continuous level adds to already increasingly stressful situations. Teenage relationships both platonic and not have come to rely on the sense of constant communication and over analyzation on all social media platforms.

In a 2014 research survey done  it was reported that 45% of millennials reported social media had a major impact on their relationships. Advice about relationships may seem like common sense but the top advice given is.

1. Prioritize time without media: Spend time with them while being disconnected and away from the hustle and bustle of technology.

2. Check in before you post: Always communicate with your partner let them know about your sharing especially when it comes to details about you and your partner.

3. A golden rule, if you wouldn't say it or show it in person don't do it on media.

4. Don't Snoop/Trust them

Social media has its benefits and its downfalls. When properly used it gives us connections that in the past would never have been able to be made. When used poorly it adds to it adds on to an already stressful and hectic world we live it.

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