Thursday, January 24, 2019

Social Media to Comment or Not to Comment

There is always an audience when anything posts to social media. The audience will always have an opinion. Whether or not they share the opinion is the main question. Any professional has to balance the need to respond to a comment while also weighing the thoughts of the entire audience. 

Inevitably we have all seen comment sections where things don't go as planned. The comments go on a bit too long and it turns into more of an argument or an opinionated conversation and not something constructive. Guy Kawasaki discusses a few keys to comments. 

The first he talks about is "go three rounds". The member of the audience comments, you respond, and then allow for one more response before asking them to reach out in a less open environment. Sometimes the best interactions on social media platforms are in the comments as it creates a feeling of connection with the audience of the post but allowing that conversation to go on too long can take a turn for the worse. 

Next it's okay to disagree. There will never be a time when everyone has the same opinion and that is okay. There are points in life and on social media where that must be accepted. Agreeing to disagree shows that you are open to compromising and can perturb some of the toughest commenters. There may not be a correct or incorrect answer. Allowing for an open-ended comment section works to add dialogue and show the openness of you or your organization. 

Lastly stay positive as the curator of the post with your followers watching always work to stay positive in any comment conversation. Portraying yourself as level headed wins more credibility and following than winning one dispute with a commenter.  

Comments allow for great communication when used correctly. Always take the high road especially on media as once it is posted it is there forever. 

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