Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Technology makes life easier. Technology makes things possible today that 15-20 years ago were not even thought of. Connecting with friends and family is easier than ever. Communicating across the globe is instantaneous. Technology is easy but is easy always the right way? I recently spoke to 800 middle schoolers. All of which had cell phones, social media accounts, and most likely Ipads or computers.

These kids have grown up with social media and technology. They have never known a time when they did not have a screen around them or in front of them. Parents are now more likely to hand kids and Ipad or mobile device to entertain them, than any other toy.

Over two thirds of the world's population have mobile cellular devices. Half of the world population uses social media. Technology is an ever evolving and changing market with new concepts and products out almost every six months.

Society's ability to balance the ease of technology and the part of the world that makes us human could determine whether or not society continues to grow or we end up like the civilization in Wall-E

Is technology really the future of connectivity?
Or the end of it?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Telling Time

It's 7:55 a.m. in Ada. As I make my nice half a mile walk to my 8 a.m. class something dawns on me. I can tell that we have moved in time. I don't have to look at a clock, I don't have to look at a calendar, and the weather has not changed enough to spark anything. It is the students.

It is a nice 75 degrees out nothing to out of the ordinary for a September morning. I am wearing a sweatshirt and the same sweatpants I slept in the night before. The strategy behind this outfit is to maximize sleep. Not caring what other people think of me or what they think about what I am wearing. As my eyes scan the tundra and then the sidewalks to the Dicke College of Business I realize I am not the only one with this strategy. There are freshman girls you can tell have been up for hours to get ready and do their makeup. Most however have adapted the week four I don't care strategy. 
Image result for ohio northern university
Walking down the small campus of ONU students have adjusted to college life. No longer do you see these well thought out outfits looking to find their college sweetheart. Now it is how can I roll out of bed the latest and get to class on time. You see more sweatshirts, hoodies, sweatpants, joggers, and leggings than ever before. You see less curled hair and makeup and more hats and messy buns. 

It is the middle weeks of the fall semester at Ohio Northern University. I did not have to look at a calendar to know that. Just look to the sleep deprived students across the campus and what they are wearing to their first classes in the morning. It is amazing how much you can learn not from looking at a clock, or a smartphone, or a watch, but looking at the people around you.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

10 Interesting Facts about the World

Image result for top 10

While I struggle for things to write about this week. I looked at what I would read if it popped up on my screen! I found this article from North South Travel

10 Interesting Facts about the World

1. France is the most visited country in the world

2. Surprisingly Australia is the most obese country in the world as of 2012 with a 26 percent obesity rate

3. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos

4. Honolulu is the only place in the United States that has a royal palace

5. Spain is considered the most mountainous country in Europe and has over 8000 km of beaches

6. The United States has no official language

7. One third of all the airports in the world are located in the US

8. Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 10cm per year, 10 x faster than Venice

9. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world not to have any rivers

10. It has been rumored that the Great Wall can be seen from space, but in actual fact it can not

This is one link that caught my eye. It is crazy how fast the human mind can be focused on one thing to another. The average human attention span is 8 seconds. It is also scientifically proven that subject lines with top lists are shown to draw more attention to their posts. The next time you are scrolling try to keep in mind how often your attention is changing.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Is it Raining Yet?

Image result for hurricane dorian
A category 5 hurricane. Hurricane Dorian has become a weather anomaly that can not be figured out. I have always had the thought that a meteorologist is the only job on the planet where you can keep your job even if you are always wrong. This storm is an exception though no one knows what it is doing.

Striking fears as recently as a few days ago that it would hit the main land of Florida at a category 5 or 4 hurricane it stopped moving!

I was born in Florida, I grew up in Florida. I have seen my fair share of hurricanes they don't just stop nor do they move as slow as Dorian has decided to. In recent forecast it Dorian has dropped to a category 2 hurricane and it looks like it will go up the coast off of the United States Mainland.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Bahamas however took a beating. Hurricane Dorian has dropped over 30 inches of rain in the northern parts of the Bahamas with winds over 100 mph. With a death toll of five along with 21 other injured civilians. The rescue and recovery effort in the Bahamas has begun. The United States Coast Guard has sent 7 helicopters along funds being donated from multiple organizations including The Walt Disney Company. Rescue efforts have struggled through the flooding throughout the island nation.
An aerial view of the devastation caused by Dorian on Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas.

For those in the path of Hurricane Dorian stay safe!