Thursday, September 12, 2019

10 Interesting Facts about the World

Image result for top 10

While I struggle for things to write about this week. I looked at what I would read if it popped up on my screen! I found this article from North South Travel

10 Interesting Facts about the World

1. France is the most visited country in the world

2. Surprisingly Australia is the most obese country in the world as of 2012 with a 26 percent obesity rate

3. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos

4. Honolulu is the only place in the United States that has a royal palace

5. Spain is considered the most mountainous country in Europe and has over 8000 km of beaches

6. The United States has no official language

7. One third of all the airports in the world are located in the US

8. Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 10cm per year, 10 x faster than Venice

9. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world not to have any rivers

10. It has been rumored that the Great Wall can be seen from space, but in actual fact it can not

This is one link that caught my eye. It is crazy how fast the human mind can be focused on one thing to another. The average human attention span is 8 seconds. It is also scientifically proven that subject lines with top lists are shown to draw more attention to their posts. The next time you are scrolling try to keep in mind how often your attention is changing.


  1. I thought this list was interesting! I am excited to add to the first fact because I am traveling to France in June!

  2. Wow, I did not know any of these facts. This was a very interesting post. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm surprised to hear the stat about Australia, but I knew the casino one. I think they do it so people loose track of time.
