Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Is it Raining Yet?

Image result for hurricane dorian
A category 5 hurricane. Hurricane Dorian has become a weather anomaly that can not be figured out. I have always had the thought that a meteorologist is the only job on the planet where you can keep your job even if you are always wrong. This storm is an exception though no one knows what it is doing.

Striking fears as recently as a few days ago that it would hit the main land of Florida at a category 5 or 4 hurricane it stopped moving!

I was born in Florida, I grew up in Florida. I have seen my fair share of hurricanes they don't just stop nor do they move as slow as Dorian has decided to. In recent forecast it Dorian has dropped to a category 2 hurricane and it looks like it will go up the coast off of the United States Mainland.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Bahamas however took a beating. Hurricane Dorian has dropped over 30 inches of rain in the northern parts of the Bahamas with winds over 100 mph. With a death toll of five along with 21 other injured civilians. The rescue and recovery effort in the Bahamas has begun. The United States Coast Guard has sent 7 helicopters along funds being donated from multiple organizations including The Walt Disney Company. Rescue efforts have struggled through the flooding throughout the island nation.
An aerial view of the devastation caused by Dorian on Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas.

For those in the path of Hurricane Dorian stay safe!


  1. This is super strange for a hurricane to act this way, hopefully any future damage is minimal and the places that were affected are able to recover quickly and safely.

  2. I think what's so surprising, to me personally at least, is how unexpected this hurricane seemed to be last week. I was at a concert Sunday night (before Labor Day) and it had to have a rain delay due to the lightning and I kept hearing people say "if you think it's bad here, Florida is about to get smacked" and that was the first instance I heard of the storm. Hopefully people began to connect the worsening storms and weather anomalies with climate change as so action can be done.
