Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Technology makes life easier. Technology makes things possible today that 15-20 years ago were not even thought of. Connecting with friends and family is easier than ever. Communicating across the globe is instantaneous. Technology is easy but is easy always the right way? I recently spoke to 800 middle schoolers. All of which had cell phones, social media accounts, and most likely Ipads or computers.

These kids have grown up with social media and technology. They have never known a time when they did not have a screen around them or in front of them. Parents are now more likely to hand kids and Ipad or mobile device to entertain them, than any other toy.

Over two thirds of the world's population have mobile cellular devices. Half of the world population uses social media. Technology is an ever evolving and changing market with new concepts and products out almost every six months.

Society's ability to balance the ease of technology and the part of the world that makes us human could determine whether or not society continues to grow or we end up like the civilization in Wall-E

Is technology really the future of connectivity?
Or the end of it?


  1. It's crazy to think about how much tech has changed our lives as we grow up. I can't imagine what the world would look like in a few years for people born today

  2. Wow, that video is super powerful. I always consider if technology is helping or hurting us. If you use technology with limits then I think it is helping us but if you never put the phone down then it is hurting us. Thanks for sharing!
