Monday, December 30, 2019

A Matriarch, Remembering One Who Brought Us All Together

Merriam-Webster describes the word as, a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state
specifically: a mother who is head and ruler of her family and descendants. Their use of the word in a sentence brought me to tears because it could not be more accurate in my family. Our grandmother was the family's matriarch.

To me, she was the first babysitter I remember. Golfing three times a week. Hotdogs at "the club" and, movie dates on rainy days. She was the first person I truly ever wanted to make proud. She was a role model in everything she did whether she knew it or not. 

To others she was mom. The chaperon, the chauffeur, the team mom, the shoulder to cry on, the advice you didn't want but needed, the rock in your life. Her smile and laugh lit up every room she entered. She made an impression the moment you met or saw her. 

The fact that she got her degree in teaching never surprised anyone as she always wanted to have a positive impact on those she came in contact with. Her home was always open whether you were the youngest sibling or cousin. Having the best day or the worst. She was whatever you needed her to be. She was summers at the beach, holiday meals, miller-lite and always cake behind the paper towel roll. 

Perhaps the most important thing that Marion passed on to so many people was the importance of community. Her family actively involved in swimming. She was very involved with the Greater Tampa Swim Association as well as the Academy of the Holy Names. She was an avid golfer and a  President of the Emerald Greens Woman's Golf Association. Everywhere she went it felt as if a family followed. 

Her fondest moments were surrounded by her community. Her kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, cousins, family, and friends. I still remember to this day the tears that came to her eyes moments when we were all together. Whether it was birthday celebrations, weddings, or holiday gatherings the look in her eyes as a family from across the country came together made it all the more special. 

As my family came together to celebrate the new year, and my uncle's 70th birthday on the sandy beaches of Indian Rocks, we celebrated both my grandmother and grandfather in the only way possible. As a community. 

There were and still are tears, laughs, stories, and memories. About two people and moments that have shaped and continue to shape an entire family. And will for generations to come. 

Marion, Mom, Grandma, GG
Gregor, Dad, Umpah

We love you, and are thinking about you every day. As we welcome in the new year, but never forget those who made not only the last decade but the journey of our lives memorable and brought us together to share it. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2 Digits and a Decimal

Kanye West, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Evan Williams the list goes on and on. What do they all have in common? They dropped out of school at one point or another. I understand that the era that most of these stars were making their names is a different era than that of today but the messages and principles you can take from their stories remains the same.

A college campus during dead week or finals week is not the place to boost your morale. In between mental breakdowns, procrastination, studying, power naps, and exams college students are not in the best state. 

Spoiler: I have never, nor will I ever stress about school.

I was recently with a friend who brought up a valid point while doing a last minute homework assignment, she spoke of a tweet she saw (social media strikes again) "why do we pay thousands of dollars to pay someone to teach us things that ultimately we are just going to go back to our dorm room and google to make more sense of!"

Growing up the son of a teacher/administrator I have always had the inside scoop on the education system at least I thought I did throughout elementary school. Fun fact, it's broken. All the way to the top. 

We grow up in a society in which my dad, a Pre-K through 5th grade administrator, has to talk to 3rd grade parents that want to know how their child will be prepared for college!

Why do six letters determine how successful a young powerful mind is going to be. Countless studies show that an overbearing amount of stress can negatively affect grades more than the rigors of an actual curriculum. I can confirm after 10 interviews in my life, NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS ASKED FOR MY GPA AT ANY LEVEL! 
Image result for broken education system

Why do middle school and at certain high schools' kids come home with more busy work than the amount of work that they have done at school the same day? Students need to be challenged they need to learn. Yes, but about what? In all honesty through high school my best learning experiences were opportunities I made myself. Meeting with students from a school from across the country, Setting up and end of the year internship with a small business. 

Why do college students feel that their GPA is going to make or break their success in their lives ahead?  How is a test or exam on a topic that they likely will not use in their real-world job our benchmark as to how successful someone can be? 
Image result for broken education system

The world is changing, but is our education system changing with it? To quote in my eyes a very revolutionary thinker in the world of education, "the world that students are going to go into by the time they graduate is going to be very different than the world today, so why wouldn't we teach them skills that can transcend time." 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Holiday No One Should Need

I am that guy this year. It is an unwritten rule what things are and are not okay to discuss over Thanksgiving dinner. I was the one this year to break that rule. In my defense Thanksgiving dinner this year was just myself (the only child) and my parents. My family is spread out across the United States with certain portions of it having meals from coast to coast (literally California and Florida).

Our Thanksgiving meal has been quite small since we moved to Michigan, sometimes consisting of friends other times it is just the three of us, and our vacuum otherwise known as Magic our golden retriever. Meal conversations cover a wide array of topics often football/sports related, or random topics that can come up in conversation such as if my mother was going to be in the Olympics what sport would she compete in.

This year, however, I brought up a topic that in most households would fall under the "not okay to discuss" list. I have never been quiet about my opinions and the stronger I feel about certain opinions the louder I tend to get. This year I touched a topic that I feel might reach more tables than just my own.

"Why is Thanksgiving necessary?"

I may have said this 6 pieces of turkey in, and my mom may have first laughed it off, but I was serious. My dad who has gotten quite good at reading when an issue or a topic is something I am serious about, went silent. He looked at me and asked me to elaborate.

Now don't get me wrong I believe that Thanksgiving is a great holiday and it can teach us a lot about the history of this country. I am just not sure why it is required. When you ask people their favorite parts about Thanksgiving the responses are family, food, friends, time off, relaxation, and unfortunately lastly, giving thanks.
Image result for take nothing for granted"
My challenge is why is a day needed for this. If you want to be with your family and friends DO IT! Go be with them! Spend a weekend or even just a meal with the people in your life you love. Don't wait for a day once a year to let them know you love them and how blessed you are to have them in your life. If you need to relax then relax. Understand how precious our time on this earth with people we care about truly is.

Give thanks all the time. I am guilty of this probably more than most. In today's society it is so much easier to see the negative side of things, the why nots, the what I don't have. I challenge you to take a step back. Realize what you do have. What you are thankful for. Do not wait for one day a year.

Not every day is guaranteed.
Image result for giving thanks quotes"