Tuesday, January 21, 2020

"An intense desire or enthusiasm for something."

Passion has a lot of definitions. The noun can mean so many different things. So when a professor asks you to find yours for an assignment, you brush it off because it seems easy. Until you have to figure it out the day before.

Yeah I procrastinated, but that is not the point of this post. Check back with me in a couple weeks I will have much better stories about procrastination.

I think everyone has their own idea of passion, but I am not sure how many people truly know what theirs is.

For me it's making a difference. And even more importantly making a positive difference in every life I touch. 

How I am remembered is a massive part of what motivates me everyday. I want to leave a legacy that people want to remember that people would want to follow. It is also something that can travel with me in every aspect of my life.

How people see you doesn't change with what you are doing. Whether you are having a heart to heart with a friend, throwing a ball on a field, taking notes in a micro class, or taking time too high five a little kid at an elementary school. Who you are, does not change with where you are.

And more importantly, how people see you, react to you, and remember you does not change either.

Everyday people make a difference in other people's days or lives. Everyday you can make a positive or negative impact on the people you come in contact with. No matter how big or small you think it is.

So I ask what impact will you have?

What is your true passion?

1 comment:

  1. Could not agree more! As Maya Angelou shared: people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
