Friday, January 24, 2020

My Goals for 2019

I did not hit them.

Trust me I hope every person had to do a double-take when they saw the title of this post. And I know January is supposed to be a month of optimism. The time of New Year's resolutions and new goals but how can one focus on a new year or new goals. If they don't first reflect on what they did in the past year. You can't get better if you don't realize and look at your mistakes.
Image result for athletes quotes about goals

I set high goals and reached for the biggest and brightest thoughts I could as I went into the 2019 year. I set 11 goals, and I hit 2.5 of them. Now I probably should have had more goals, gone deeper. But thank goodness I didn't.

Now first things first I don't want this post to be a pity party or a "wow Trevor had a pretty crappy year he didn't do a thing".

I grew in ways I never thought I could. I learned things that I needed to learn but didn't want to. I am still learning and aren't we all. I reshaped priorities time and time again.

Learning what was truly important. What matters to me. Who matters to me. So when I look at the goals I did not achieve over the past 365 days I realize I need to hold myself more accountable. And put things in a different perspective I can say all the right things, work towards all the right goals. But if I don't truly put myself to it and dedicate myself behind the lights how can I really hit the points in my life I need to. This year I have come up with 20 goals.

To share a few highlights:

1. I will achieve a 4.0 GPA

2. I will gain 15-20 pounds

3. I will be a positive influence on the people I meet in my life

4. I will be a leader in my community

5. I will reach back and have an impact on the kids I coach and meet through football

I put these here to help myself be more accountable. I will continue to write and continue to see this post and hopefully go into 2020 with new integrity and a new dedication to myself.

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