Thursday, February 27, 2020

Victor In Arduis

Dear Parents, Family, Friends,

If you have followed along with my writing and its progress, as well as my personal progress as I have tackled my first few years of college you will see that while these past years of my life have been ever so challenging they have shaped me into in all honesty someone that I am so proud to be.

With that being said, I have written and talked about my struggles with home and family multiple times, given speeches about how important community is to me time and time again. Once again I write to you as I have done something that will forever leave a mark on me to help me recognize who I am and how I have become the young man I am today.

#McConnellvstheworld, a simple hashtag created by one person that I look up to in this world as much as anyone, and have since he used to throw footballs in the backyard of my grandmothers house higher than I ever thought possible.

While I have become who I am today through experiences and times on my own I have only had the ability to grow and become that person because of the people I have around me. My family is my everything. I sat/stood on the beach in January remembering one of the most influential woman I have ever had in my life I looked back at a house that was filled with many of the most important people in my life.

I wrote about how my home was with the people that truly meant the most to me. That remains true. But my family is something that could never be topped. I grew up in Florida and it is still a state that till the day I die will have a special place in my heart. But in that moment on the beach in Indian Shores, Florida I realized that there was something more important to me than a state.

For about a year now I had planned on getting a tattoo, I don't know why but I knew I wanted one. For the longest time I thought I had wanted it to be something signifying the state in which I grew up in. However I was wrong, because the only reason I wanted it to be that state was because it was where my FAMILY had been for so long.

So I changed my mind, quietly of course, I realized that it wasn't the state that I wanted to have with me when I needed "Victory In Adversity", it was my family. 

So on Friday, February 21st I did it.

Now when ever I face a hard time all I have to do is look down to see how I can get through anything, because I am a McConnell.

Friday, February 14, 2020

One Year Removed

If you need to be caught up on my love life, and who truly owns my heart please first refer back to my heartbreak of last Valentine's Day

A year removed from my traumatic day in which I watched my first true love be towed away, we are doing okay. There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, we have been through snow storms, potholes, Ohio back roads, and hour long summer commutes to downtown Detroit, and through it all, our bond has grown stronger.

Neither of us are perfect, sometimes the radio doesn't come on the first time I start her up, sometimes I hit a curb, every so often. But she is always there for me. No matter the journey, no matter the obstacles, I know I can always count on her to get me where I am going and keep me moving forward.

When I look back on a year with one of the few constants in my life I am reminded of so many different things. Most recently I am reminded of my micro class in which we talked about selling points, and the question of at what dollar amount would you sell your car came up. We are college students and the range of cars throughout the room was very broad. When it came to me however, I stunned the room at this point in my life when I said, I would not sell my car. The memories and the story behind my car, means more to me than any dollar amount ever could.

I am not saying that our journey together will never come to an end. In my experience, all great relationships come to an end. It takes exceptional relationships to survive and thrive through life together. 

As I continue on with my journey and hopefully she continues to be a part of it, she teaches me lessons everyday.

1. Never take her for granted.

2. When she needs something do your best to give it to her.

3. Spoil her, if she needs a new outfit or she deserves a new accessory give it to her.

4. The more you give, the more you will receive.

5. Always remember that no matter the relationship, it is never always going to be perfect. But, if it is important to you, you make it work.

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