Friday, February 15, 2019

The Heartbreak of My Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day, or St. Valentine’s Day is a holiday when lovers express their affection with gifts and attention. The holiday began in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, beginnizng in mid-February. The festival which originally celebrated the coming of spring. Included the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance. 

Everyone celebrates Valentine's Day in their own ways. In my case the closest I have ever been to having a valen tine was in elementary school when everyone made special boxes and brought little candies in for the entire class. This year however I suffered my first real heartbreak on Valentine's Day. 

My one true love left me. Did I treat her poorly? Yes I took her for granted and now I must pay the price. Will I get her back? Yes. That however is not the point. I have been with her for over 3 years she is my first true love. Her name, Aspen. Aspen is a 2016 Blacked out Chevy Colorado.

My first car! My grandmother made it a priority of hers that her youngest grandchild would get the first car they wanted. She put away money starting at my 10th birthday. Her along with myself were able to make that dream a reality. I was able to put money in the stock market and make the money needed to make the monthly payments on the car of my dreams.

Aspen has now had to face the brutality of the Ada winters. I let her down. I left her low on gas and outside as brutal temperatures hit the Village of Ada. She suffered a cracked valve due to ice buildup. This Valentine's Day I had to give her up and send her into the shop.

Aspen and I have been through good days and bad. She has carried district trophies and tears. She has held dance parties in her tailgate. She has slid off roads in ice. No matter the circumstances. The hula girl that sits on her dash and Mickey Mouse lining that covers her wheel and the feeling of driving my first car will always be my escape and will always have my heart. 


  1. love it. I remember my first car and it wasn't anywhere near as nice as Aspen.

  2. Your first car is always your favorite car in my opinion. You can create so many memories with it.

  3. The first car in your life will always be the best car! It teaches you so many things such as adulting and responsibility. It just grows on you.
