Sunday, March 22, 2020

My Family Writes

To those that know us the best we are not emotional rocks, ESPECIALLY THE MEN! We cry, and when we cry, we cry hard! We wear our emotions on our sleeves like good Irish, and Scottish decedents should. We often have no filter, this is very true with the two youngest men that hold the McConnell name. And when we feel emotions we feel them to the fullest of extents, no matter the emotion high or low, good or bad, our emotions run the extreme.

My family tree is not the largest, and it is littered with females thus our last names continue to expand. We are spread across the country, and across age demographics. We love all kinds of things, we have interests in sports, reading, photography. We are athletes, we are salesmen, we are engineers, we are educators, we are managers, we are McConnell's. 

We are writers. 

In full disclosure a McConnell recently departed on their own new adventure, without the rest of us. In my eyes she was the strongest McConnell. Arguably the most opinionated of us all, she knew her beliefs and was not afraid to share them. We loved her for it, and the world is better off for it. 

(She wrote this herself)

I would be lying if I said we were the closest in our family, I will be honest and say that I did not know all that she had done until recently. I knew brief snippets of all the things this powerful woman had accomplished and yes, powerful is the word to describe her. 

So many wonderful things have been written about her. It is not my place to write more about this woman that I loved with my whole heart and even more so now respect for all that she accomplished and how she captured life!

Instead I wanted to write more about my family, and how we all are writing to deal with life nowadays. My cousins write(one of them puts us all to shame), my father writes, my uncle writes, and I write. I may be biased but we are all pretty damn good at it. 

Image result for power of writing

Writing gives me a voice not many expect me to have. To this day when ever I tell someone I write I get a surprised look on their face as a response. Writing has become a platform for me to share other-sides of myself. It gives me an opportunity to be creative while also sharing, what I choose to share. Getting things off my chest in a distinct way. 

My dad writes for a multitude of reasons I am sure but, often they are to voice emotions that he couldn't share in the moment, sometimes because he was getting emotional. For I believe the past 3-4 years as a new school year has come upon us he has written me a letter. He has written me when he knows I am down, he has written me when he knows I am up. The act of writing something in today's society gives it all new meaning. 

My uncle and two of my cousins currently write to grieve, to cope, to celebrate, and to reminisce. Often times bringing their readers to tears (thanks Ross). Today because of all of their writing they sparked me writing. 

Writing is a freedom, and a gateway to more of oneself, it can be a stress reliever, an outlet, or therapeutic. 

With so much of my life seemingly turned upside down, I write because I know that it can't go anywhere. 

So I ask what would you write?

Friday, March 20, 2020

How you beat it!

Image result for stuart scott speech

Stuart Scott changed the world of sports broadcasting forever. He was taken from us far too soon. He still impacts people to this day, myself included.

I have taken this quote from his famous 2014 ESPY speech and for the longest time tried to apply it to every aspect of my life. It feels more applicable than ever today, it has for about the past week. I think I have been trying to deny the idea that my sophomore year in this little village that has become home, is coming to a close.

Surrounded by corn, and people who have, and continue too, change my life. I have entered my final 36 hours here. A year and semester that started with so much promise, comes to a close two months too early.

But I refuse to let it cripple me, I believe that more than ever what Mr. Scott spoke 6 years ago reigns true.

You beat the things that bring you down in life, the things that threaten you, by not allowing them to destroy you! You live your life, you continue your passions, you grow, you continue to live life!

I am the last student remaining on Ohio Northern University campus, At least that is what it feels like, and that is what I am going to tell myself. I have continued my days, I "go to class" online of course, I workout, I eat, I sleep, I play video games, I talk and hangout with friends. I refuse to let anything take away this life I have been given. To bring back a slogan that maybe more people need to apply to their lives, YOLO!

I have enjoyed these past couple days, walks through Ada, time with special people. I have taken this social distancing and isolation and in my own words, "Kicked COVID-19's ASS.

Do I have COVID-19? No, I don't think so but, considering what is continues to do to the world, I think everyone has it to some extent. However my Gen Z form of rebellion is not letting it effect me, or minimizing it to the best of my abilities.

Go live you life! Stay safe! Be smart!

But in your own way go kick COVID-19's ass!

Monday, March 16, 2020


Life is not easy. However maybe that is the beauty of it. Nothing seems to go to plan. Nothing seems to come easy. Yet we power through, we get through, we learn, we grow.

Tonight for the first time in far too long I went to our stadium and stared at the stars. Now keep in mind I go to school in the middle of a cornfield, our skies are gorgeous on clear nights. Something that I have not nearly taken enough advantage of. I sat underneath a windmill in a spot that will forever hold a spot in my heart for a multitude of reasons and I took it all in.

Maybe this was a reminder to "put my big boy pants on". Maybe this was a reminder that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was a reminder to just go to work and focus on myself. None the less I needed it.

As someone who keeps his emotions, at least the deepest ones closest to his chest I will never be the first to admit that sometimes I don't know. For so long now I have kept the perception and the reputation of just being the guy in control. The guy with the answers, I am never too stressed always relaxed never too high or too low. From an early age I learned the 3 Cs calm, cool, collected. I have lived by them.

2020 has however tested all of me. In facets that I never could have predicted. I have seen those most important to me at their lowest. I have seen the normalcies of my life get thrown out the window. I have looked in the mirror and pushed myself to be better to step out of my comfort zone, to own who I am, who I want to be, and who I need to be.

So in a night where I needed some perspective I looked to the stars. I was in awe of their simplicity and beauty. It had been so long since I just looked up and enjoyed what has been given to me. Something that I have written about before. I truly don't know how the future unfolds, but I do know what I control. So it is my choice as to how I want to handle what I control, which is who I want to take the future on with, and how I want to live it.

So I ask, when was the last time you stargazed?