Monday, March 25, 2019

10 Ways to Prevent Illness

Writing this post from the comfort of my bed. That I have not left in 36 hours. I do not wish getting sick while in college on anyone. My weekend has consisted of fever after fever and headache after headache. As I hope to be able to be over it in the next 24 hours I thought a good idea would be putting together a list of how to prevent ending up in my disastrous situation.

1. Get the Flu Vaccine.

2. Wash your hands with warm water and soap before eating or doing anything that might require touching your face.

3. Avoid touching your eyes and mouth.

4. Get enough sleep, sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system.

5. Workout, working out consistency can not only improve your overall fitness but also your immune system.

6. Don't bite your nails they can be a key place for germs.

7. Avoid others who could be sick or are just getting over an illness.

8. Eat a healthy diet to help boost your immune system.

9. Stay Hydrated keeping your body hydrated it can help to flush out toxins in your body.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you not going to class and spreading around your germs! It's not fun getting sick, especially at college. Whenever I get sick, I end up sleeping most of the day. I take medicine that is supposed to help, but it also makes me drowsy. I really struggle to eat and drink when I'm not feeling well too. I can never keep anything in my stomach so I usually go a good 24 hours without eating or drinking. Hope you're feeling better now!
