Sunday, March 24, 2019

The ONU Social Media Workshop 2019

Ohio Northerns 4th annual social media workshop. With attendance up to around 100 including working professionals, students, and professors this is an opportunity to learn about multiple facets of social media. With the day beginning at 10 with a presentation from Amanda Todorovich and the Cleveland Clinic knowledge was being shared from the onset. The day was set into five blocks each with two presentation in the blocks giving attendees freedom to choose where they wanted to be each block. 

Topics included a wide array of diverse social media uses and plans. In block one I attended "From Typewriter to Twitter: How the Dublin Irish Festival Grew From a Tennis Court to Nearly 40 Acres" Centering their presentation around the growth of social media through the development of their festival. They talked about the partnerships they had formed as well as how important publicity is in everything they did as a small budgeted operation. 

As the day continued I attended Professor Dan Farkas's presentation on multimedia in social media. Farkas who is a professor at Ohio State on strategic communication and public relations and multimedia preached that multimedia on social media is not longer a luxury but instead a necessity.

Both of these presentations stuck with me as they covered the future of social media. Continuing with how to grow. Social media changes daily if not hourly and both of these topics pushed how important it is to grow a brand and use the tools at you disposal to take advantage of that. 

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