Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to Find Brand Voice in Writing

Before a brand can take off and even begin its digital presence and marketing it needs voice. The ability to connect and be unique. This can be broken down platform by platform or audience by audience. Making each writing style unique and different depending on the intended audience or goals. 

Image result for social media voice1. Give your brand a personality and stick to it

2. Find attributes you want to stay away from

3. Determine the attitude you want your audience to have towards you based on how and what you share platform by platform

4. How do you want people to feel about your content

5. What is in it for your audience what are their benefits from connecting with you

6. Who are the audiences you want to focus on and key into

7. Know your competitors including how they communicate and what their voice is

8. What are your goals

9. Does everything you post have a goal or purpose reflect on your content right now and where it is and should be

10. How do you want your audiences to respond to your content

These 10 key steps can help drive your content and writing and where it should go into the future. The ability to review and look at the content already being managed can have a lasting impact on all of your existing audiences.

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