Thursday, August 29, 2019

Summer, What Summer?

We are back! After finishing my spring semester and never expecting to ever write another academically graded blog again here we are. I did make myself an empty promise of saying I would blog over the summer. Working over 60 to 70 hours a week will really put a damper on summer plans. 

My summer employment was still an amazing experience and opportunity. I worked for the Detroit Tigers as a park operations intern. Working in a sports venue that brings in thousands of people on a daily and nightly basis can best be described as controlled chaos. In park operations our job is somewhat self-explanatory. If it has to do with the park and or the operations of the facility, we are running it. The part that isn't explained is that park operations helps out in just about everything. 
We are directly in charge of security, ushers, rides, guest experiences, guest services, as well as anything that takes place on the field before or after the game. We also are in charge of events that are not baseball games including fundraisers or fan events. 

What really made this summer special wasn't the job itself. The people are what made it so memorable. Being able to work with people I will be able to call forever friends made this summer one of the best I have ever had. We truly were a little family which made the obnoxious rain delays as well as the obnoxious fans much easier to deal with.  My office being an MLB stadium wasn't bad either. 

Considering that I will have to continue blogging throughout this semester. Readers should know that you will probably hear more about my stories from my time at the park in weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. Working for the Detroit Tigers sounds like it was a great time. I'm a huge sports person so that sounds exciting to me!
