Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Reading About the World of Social Media

Reading textbooks has never been my favorite thing to do. Four months ago if you had told me my social media principles class was going to have a textbook I would have called you crazy, LET ALONE TWO! Now these aren't your standard hard-cover textbooks but that is not the point.

Reading both Guy Kawasaki's The Art of Social Media and Karen Freberg's Social Media for Strategic Communication I learned way more to social media then I think I bargained for. The world of social media is ever changing as Kawasaki and Freberg continuously remind their readers.

Throughout the semester I have actually enjoyed readings about the growth of social media and how to creatively and effectively use it. Much of the millennial population and generation X,Y, and Z all use social media and some even think they are proficient at it. However many only see it as a constant stream of cat videos and keeping people up to date with their lives. Both of these books dive deeper into how to use social media and its benefits in the professional world.

This will be my final assigned post to this blog. This class has given me quite a bit, and that includes over 40 blog posts that at some points I have no idea where I came up with these topics. I enjoyed some of the writing, there were also times when I wanted to take a week off and that would have cost me points so that couldn't very well happen.

Social media principles gave me a look into social media like I had never thought of before. As the professional world continues to adapt to social media and social media continues to change. I am glad I took this class and I am continuing to learn about what social media can bring to the professional world.


  1. It is pretty cool to look at the progress each student has made from the beginning of their blogging until now. I think this class really gave us some perspective about how important blogging is as well as social media.

  2. I really enjoyed the experience of having to write these blogs but more importantly I am glad I had the opportunity of reading everyone's blogs and learning more about them everyday.
