Thursday, October 3, 2019

There Go the Leaves

As I walked the half a mile from the Dial-Roberson Stadium to my apartment I noticed one little thing had changed in the past day. No it wasn't a crack in the sidewalk or that the ducks were gone. It quickly became a dark and gloomy day when I looked to my left and saw a tree with a leaf turning a shade of yellow.

While fall has never been my favorite time of year. I will always prefer 90 degrees and sunny over 60 and leaves falling. People love this time of year. As spooky season, and the beginning of the holiday season comes near. You can see autumn lovers looking to the trees as the leaves change to reds, oranges, and yellows. For those of you who would consider this your favorite time of year. Here is a list of what might make it your favorite.

1. Staying inside all day as the temperatures drop and the cold rains roll through nothing wrong with a great day inside wrapped up in a blanket.

2. Doing anything involving apples, eating apples, picking apples, drinking apple cider, one way or another apples are a sure fire way to start your fall off right.

3.Doing anything with a pumpkin, going to a pumpkin patch, picking a pumpkin, carving a pumpkin all ideas to get you in the fall state of mind.

4. Anything involving leaves never has anything been more applauded for dying. Every year we celebrate the death of all the leaves around us. Whether we are jumping in them or just admiring them leaves have become a celebrated hero of the fall.
Image result for fall
5. In many homes the start of fall is the undocumented permission to start having fireplace fires. In my home as soon as it drops below 70 degrees fires are permitted but that comes down to personal preference.

6. Sweater weather, every where you look it seems everyone has found new sweaters left and right. Somehow people don't have to repeat sweaters for weeks.

7. Another unwritten permission of fall, hot chocolate is now available in all shapes and sizes in all kinds of restaurants and cafes.

8. It is officially L.L. Bean season! To those of you who don't live on a college campus or in the presence of those who own these boots I have attached a link. If you go outside after the first inkling of fall weather I promise you half the people you will see will have these boots on. The crazy part is they are not worn before fall then boom it all happens at once. Besides the leaves changing L.L. Bean season might be the best way to tell when fall is coming.

The best for last.

9. Flannel, plaid, anything that makes you look like a lumberjack is officially fair game once the leaves change colors.
Image result for golden retriever in flannel
Now you may wonder why this list is only 9 things when most of the time I do top 10s. The answer for that is 9 is a scarier number than 10 and it is officially spooky season and this is how I get in the spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Fall is one of those seasons that I used to like so much as a teenager but honestly, it is absolutely at the point where I am beginning to hate it. I think it is mostly because fall means we're closer to winter and as we all know: winter is the worst.
