Thursday, October 17, 2019

The End, or Just the Beginning

I am in no way a gamer, but when a game takes over the world it is hard to miss. My first interactions with the game Fortnite was actually on a football recruiting visit to John Carroll University (who coincidentally we play this weekend). Fortnite took the world by storm no that is not a typo I do not mean the gaming world. I can safely say this because of one thing. My parents knew about it! In recent news around the game of Fortnite it blew up. Unannounced and unexpected keeping with what has made the game so popular, being different.

Fortnite is free. In the world today anything being free is unheard of. That is how the game got its initial take off. Free grabs attention! When a game you can play with all of your friends is free it speaks for itself. Currently around 250 million people play Fortnite. At a single time over 10 million people have played at once. In its most popular month Fortnite had over 80 million active players.
Image result for fortnite
Epic Games the creator of Fortnite sensed a drop in popularity for its once star game. Their fears were confirmed as reports came in showing for the first time since the games creation decrease in popularity in the month of August. How do you respond? You blow up the game of course. 5.5 million people watched as the Fortnite shut down. For two whole days the game wasn't available.

Fortnite had the attention of the world again. Trending on twitter and even becoming the talk of my dinner table this fall break. Perhaps that is the genius behind it all doing things that have never been done before. Creating talk and marketing they don't even have to advertise. So far the perfectly executed end and then beginning has done just what Fortnite needed reawakening the gamers who had let the game slip their mind.

The end, became the new beginning.

New York Times Article

The Most Watched Event This Year

CNN Article

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