Saturday, February 16, 2019

Live Tweeting is a Lot of Work

Image result for twitterTweeting throughout the game becomes quite consuming and difficult. Basketball runs at a quick pace. Following the action and being able to quickly upload the action without missing something is near impossible. A sporting event adds to the difficulty having to know players and the numbers of who is making the action. The aspect of live tweeting completely changed the experience of going to a sporting event. 

For all of the people in the world who work in social media and whose job it is to live tweet events kudos to you. The next class assignment we were given was to attend and event around campus and live tweet from beginning to end of it. I chose the Ohio Northern Men's Basketball game. This also happened to be senior day for the team.

If you'd like to see the tweets the transpired feel free to look at my Twitter; TrevorMcC_11 or use the hashtag SMspring 19.  


  1. I can see how live tweeting a sporting event could be pretty difficult. I think basketball would be the hardest sport to follow along with. I don't know much about basketball to begin with, so that would be a challenge in and of itself. But you make a great point about how it is a fast pace game. I feel like they don't stop as much as they do in sports like football.

  2. I am really interested in doing a sport for the assignment as well. I was originally thinking about doing basketball but with how fast the sport is I may want to find another event to cover.
