Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Top 5 Keys to a Personal Brand

A personal brand is a key tool to expanding business. Freberg dives into a key of personal brand as being real to yourself and authentic. She stresses that being able to have a consistent and clear message on your platforms adds to the reputability of your brand. She list six keys to success.

1. Don't be fake
There may be temptations to try and stretch from yourself stay true to your personality and brand. Be unique and memorable in how you post and market to your audience. The idea of being an influencer may have a strong appeal but being true to you gives you a stronger impact on your true audience.

2. Don't buy followers or use bots
The appearance of looking famous or influential can have its draws. The drawbacks however far outweigh the few benefits. People are not dumb and if the interactions with your outreach does not resemble your following force you risk your reputation in social media.

3.Stand by your opinions
Believe in yourself and your own judgement. Don't tell your audience to support something for you to disappear in the near future. Be a resource and generous in informing your audience of your opinions and what you believe.

4. Focus on quality of engagement not quantity
Focus on the connection. The ability for your audience to feel a personal connection to you is the goal. Value each member of your connection and each feedback you get back.

5. Understand the connection of virtual to offline brand
Your media brand is only as good as your offline brand. Be true to yourself in what you promote in all platforms but more importantly in the real world.

In building and maintaining a personal brand in both the virtual and offline world be true to who you are. Build in in your own way with you own opinions and hard work. This is the only way to become the influencer you can be.

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