Monday, February 25, 2019

What Makes Popularity

Through all platforms of social media there is some form of popularity. Followers, friends, and connections are all forms of the same thing. People in your audience. Reaching an audience is a gone of social media. The question is what is the major measure of popularity in social media.

Reaching out and getting large numbers of friends or followers has become quite easy in today's society. Most people will accept requests because they are adding to their audience as well. Is it really a connection or an audience member however if they never react to your posts.

On Facebook a more connective social media platform users average around 400 friends. The same study found that the actual number of people you will interact with no matter how many "friends" you add will stay the same.

Instagram users have been researched and 70% of users have fewer than 1,000 followers. 16% have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. 6% have between 10,000- 50,000 . While the numbers may say certain things. The key behind these numbers is interactions. Studies have shown that 70% of posts to instagram are not seen by main audiences.

Thus creating the question is popularity more about the quality or quantity of the audience. Interactions become more important than the pure numbers of seen.

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