Monday, February 11, 2019

Social Media Strategy

As the semester continues we have transitioned to a new book. Social Media for Strategic Communication written by Karen Freberg. Published in this year Freberg expands on the development of social media and how it can be used for communication and marketing throughout the business and personal world.

Throughout the early stages of her book she tries to impress upon her readers that the balance can be struck to make social media a valuable asset. Social media she explains is an extension of your community. The ability to balance the need to create new entertaining and informative content while also being personal enough to feel a connection. Freberg stresses that every user is different. With different motivations and uses for social media. The key however is still to find the balance between those motivations and uses along with personal connection. 

Her first major tip is that social media is keen on first impressions. Whether it's through profile pictures or bios there is a need to stand out and be remembered. 

Tip two you don't have to be on every form of social media. Users need to realize the audiences they hope to reach and work to narrow down which platform gives them the most effective reach. Identify the relationships you have already created and the goals of moving forward with those. 

Tip three create content that works towards the goals you have set forward. Innovation is a key for creating traffic to pages. Finding ways to be new and creative in what profiles consist of helps with standing out and being remembered.

Social medias balance has become a new tool in business that organizations are working to perfect. The ability to connect while also getting important messages across when optimized correctly can help bring major benefits to a company. Expanding the reach of the company along with touching new members of the audience.

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