Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Creating Content

As this piece of content is being written I sit here in week 11 of a 16 week semester. For one of my classes I was tasked with creating three pieces of content a week. My feeble inexperienced mind has begun to seriously struggle in the later weeks with what to write about. Enter chapter nine for this weeks reading. Based on, generating content. There are four key types of content on all forms of social media.

Often the first impression of a brand or company comes from writing. Writing tools are readily available it is good to write constantly on any ideas that come to mind. Connecting your ideas to your brand or your audience also adds to the ability of your writing.

Audio is a powerful tool that connects to an audience. Podcasts have become increasingly more popular and with increasing audience for them their use has expanded. Interviews and talk shows are two audio mediums that have taken social media interest.

Visual can take many forms. Reports, analytics, presentations, statistics all play a key role in grabbing attention and being keen content for a brand.

Perhaps the most popular of the options above graphic content is sexy. The key to graphic content is not losing sight of the whole picture. What do graphics achieve for a brand what do they give to an audience while they may grab attention sometimes they don't accomplish the intended needs.

Creating content is difficult. The keys behind content are what make it difficult. Using all of these forms adds to the diversity of a brand and its platforms. If a brand can lock down these and bring them all together into a constant diverse stream of content they are on their way to a well run social media campaign.

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