Saturday, April 13, 2019

The One Show Uniting the Age Brackets

There are certain events that is seems everyone tunes into watch. The Super Bowl, The World Series, The Oscars, The Grammys to name a few. Notice how these all begin with The. Well I have a new one for you all The Game of Thrones.

Based on two novels written by George R.R. Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones both published in the mid 1990s. Game of Thrones the TV series that has taken off over the past 9 years is being dubbed the greatest TV show ever. With a well planned 2 year break between season 7 and the final season, 8 the series brought in an audience of over 17 million Sunday night. 

The following of Game of Thrones reaches age brackets that no other TV series has touched from ages 13-65 all being well represented. The spectacle that was the premier took the world by storm and by world I mean social media. 
HBO's twitter was hit over 800 thousand mentions. People used the #GOT over 600 thousand times. According to Talkwalker the show created over 1.5 million social media posts.

Game of Thrones conquered ratings as expected with the season premier. The largest conquest however may have been its social media take over.


  1. I love Game of Thrones. Some of my friends had a watch party over the weekend that I went to so I could catch the premiere of the final season. Since I don't have HBO, I have to mooch off of other people. My little brother actually wanted to come too, so he drove an hour with me up to campus and walked over to the watch party with me. After the episode was over he drove back home and didn't get back until 11 o'clock. I can't tell if I'm a good big sister or not but I'd say this makes me a good big sister.

  2. I had never seen an episode of GOT before last week when my roommates started re-watching the entire series in preparation of the new season. I ended up watching some of it as well as the newest episode and I have to agree with everyone else that it really is a great show.

  3. I have only seen a few episodes of GOT but I really want to get into it. It is a great show and I wish I could afford HBO to do so.
