Tuesday, April 2, 2019

World Autism Awareness Day

1 in 59 children are diagnosed with a ASD (autism spectrum disorder). The month of April is autism awareness month. 1 in 37 boys will be diagnosed with autism while 1 in 151 girls will be. Autism effects all ethnic and socioeconomic groups. There is no medical dedication for ASD. one third of those with autism are nonverbal.

Autism can effect anyone and in the world we live in today it is difficult to find someone who doesn't know someone effected by this condition. ASD costs roughly $60,000 a year through childhood. In the next 10 years 500,000 teens with ASD will age out of school based services and enter adulthood. Many young adults with autism do not receive any healthcare for years after the stop seeing a pediatrician.

More than half of young adults with autism are unemployed or unenrolled in higher education. This is a lower than that of young adults with other disabilities, including learning disabilities, intellectual disability or speech-language issues.

Of the nearly 18,000 people with autism who used state-funded rehabilitation programs. 60 percent left the program with a job. 80 percent worked part-time at a median weekly rate of $160. Placing them below the poverty line.

Nearly half of 25-year-olds with autism have never held a paying job.

Research demonstrates that job activities along with schooling that encourages independence reduces autism symptoms and increases daily living skills. 

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Who do you know that is effected by ASD? How can you help those less fortunate than you? 

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