Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Social Media of The Summer

Everything changes with seasons. Social media is no different. There are key trends that take place as we transition to the summer months. Certain things change in use of social media and what the important aspects of social media are. Here are 4 key trends in social media to keep an eye out for this summer.

1. Mobile is everything, over 80% of media use comes from mobile devices.

2. Location takes over.

3. Visual content becomes even more important with 63% of social media includes visuals.

4. Spread out your coverage, more platforms become more widely used in the summer months.

Image result for summer social media

1 comment:

  1. These are some nice tips, especially since we're all in a social media class. I'll have to keep this in mind when we finish up school and head into the summer months! Thanks for sharing!
